Or – No Goats at Debenhams, a cautionary tale
This weekend is chock full of craft fairs for me!

I’d love to see you there, it’s an especially good way to support Small Business Saturday (and I’m sure we can stretch it out to Sunday without too much trouble). Plus, Out of the Blue and Gorgie Farm are absolute treasures of Edinburgh.
I’m sure you’re all thoroughly convinced of the benefits of supporting locally run projects and businesses over endless chain shops, but if you need any more convincing, I guarantee that M&S will never run aerial dance classes in their food hall of an evening and no matter how much of a bargain you find at Debenhams, you will not be able to feed a goat on your way out (and I can tell you, it would make shopping with a small child much easier if there were more goats in shops).
So there’s my weekend all lined up, and I hope I can help you knock a few things off your list in the process.
Just a quick reminder that this weekend is the last date for taking commissions for postage within the UK, so please let me know if you’re wanting to bespeak something.