Tag: i love you i know

Commisison – I love you, I know (The Golden Years)

I pride myself on being able to offer products that are unique – partially because there’s quite enough mass production in the world  already and partially because I’m not sure I could make the same thing over and over even if I wanted to. (This is part of the reason I make art rather than repeatable things like bags or clothes or jewellery.)

I love you - I know hand embroidery - Misericordia 2013

But then I got a request for an ‘I love you, I know’ after someone had seen a post on my Facebook page saying it had sold. So I had to consider my policy…could I still offer unique pieces and give people the chance to say ‘I love that one, can I have one too?’

I Love You - I Know (Gold) hand embroidery - Misericordia 2014

Luckily, the answer is a resounding yes!

I Love You - I Know (Gold) hand embroidery - Misericordia 2014

There is always another way to approach words – in this case we’ve got three whole films (I refuse to acknowledge any others) and quite an array of costume possibilities, not to mention fonts, frames and stitches.

I Love You - I Know (Gold) hand embroidery - Misericordia 2014

I was informed by the commissioner that the pieces were a birthday present for her husband and that she wanted to hang them over the bed. So I went for that gold bikini (and discovered along the way that it is mostly green).

I Love You - I Know (Gold) hand embroidery - Misericordia 2014

It tickles me to imagine family life in the Skywalker-Solo household, I hope the bikini makes a reappearance, even if only for special occasions.

Kissing Wookies

We had a very momentous milestone at Misericordia Mansions last weekend. I showed Dragon Star Wars IV for the first time. Lovely Young Man bought me a DVD of the originals (no digital nonsense) so I could be sure his mind wasn’t tainted by any foolishness. (For possibly the best parenting in the whole world, ever, go see this conversation that Shannon at Swingbug had with her wee boy. She may not know this, but I immediately saved a copy of that post when she wrote it and have read it repeatedly in preparation for my own difficult conversation with Dragon.)

I love you - I know hand embroidery - Misericordia 2013

I’m not sure our attempt was a resounding success. On the one hand he makes a fine light sabre noise, but on the other hand he said he wants to be ‘an armour’ (which means a Stormtrooper). I felt a little better when a friend of mine suggested that he could be Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper gear (thereby gaining both armour and a lightsabre), since he is definitely a little short for a Stormtrooper.

I love you - I know hand embroidery - Misericordia 2013

I also get to premiere this piece on the blog. I made it last summer and took it to a craft fair where I had a great time spotting people as they got the quote (unsurprisingly there was a large teenage boy contingent).

I love you - I know hand embroidery - Misericordia 2013

I have all sorts of scenarios about the types of people who would buy this (maybe a cheeky marriage proposal) and where they would put it (by the fridge).

I love you - I know hand embroidery - Misericordia 2013

This one is going to be quite a wrench to part with, so I’m crossing my fingers that it goes to a loving home.

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