Tag: morningside makers market

Bangles and Brooches

Well, that came around quickly!

It’s time for another Morningside Makers Market on Saturday and I’m just finishing up a few pieces ready to go.

The thing I keep forgetting about making things with glue, rather than thread, is that they require a significant amount of time to dry and cure. Which explains why you’ll have to picture those lovely letters in their final homes, a little like these.

Hand embroidered letter pendant - Misericordia 2014wa detail


Morningside Makers Market this Saturday

Someday, Gentle Reader, I will be so organised that I will have time to photograph all of the pieces I’m taking to a craft fair before I do my practice set up.

But, as they say, it is not this day! Even my camera is against me, the batteries died just as I took the first photo for this post…

Perhaps it’s a good way to heighten the excitement (yours, not mine).

At any rate, here are a few sneaky peeks (courtesy of my phone) at what’s coming with me to the Morningside Makers Market this Saturday.

You can see all of my upcoming fairs here, but don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted!

Back to work…

Morningside Makers Market this Saturday, 6th September

Happy September everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are feeling full of the joy that only new notebooks and pens can provide.

This one is a present to myself for passing my Pilates Equipment exam, which has been the source of much anxiety around Misericordia Mansions since June.

In a very organised moment last year, I booked myself in for a whole year’s worth of craft fairs and next one is on Saturday. I will be at the Morningside Makers Market and I’d love to see you there!

If you’ve got your diary handy, all the dates for all the craft fairs are here.

At Sixes and Sevens

I’m feeling a wee bit fuddled this week and I can’t seem to focus on anything much. Among other things, we have a flat-pack kitchen and appliances in boxes in our dining room in preparation for what I’m calling Takeaway Week.

little ox marathon

I spent the end of last week and the weekend desperately embroidering my piece for the ‘Here We Are’  show at Little Ox Gallery. It was a proper BBC costume drama box set, internet-free marathon with breaks only for the taking on and jettisoning of cups of tea and Pilates breaks in order to counteract chronic embroidery flexion*.

blue plaque detail 1

Monday morning I sprang out of bed (…ok, more like a slow motion tumble) and prepared to face the week getting organised for Saturday’s Morningside Maker’s Market. But the Pilates batphone rang and I raced off to teach an extra class.

blue plaque detail 2

My conscientious side said ‘Never mind, I can always write a blog post this evening.’ But the rest of my brain apparently over-ruled that in favour of reading a Victorian novel** cover-to-cover. (I try not to read, especially when I have other things to do – like brushing my teeth or sleeping).

blue plaque detail 3

But I’m back on track now (I’ve finished the book and resisted the temptation to start it again) so if you’re in Edinburgh I’d love to see you on Friday evening at the Little Ox Gallery in Candlemaker Row and Saturday at the Columcille Centre! All details in this handy calendar.

blue plaques


**Oh dear, I’m slipping. I couldn’t work out what sparked my great urge to watch and read North and South. Until I wrote this post and realised that when embroidering the comings and goings in a Northern mill town you pretty much can’t read anything else.

Misericordia and Morningside Makers Markets

Right, Resolution #1 out of the way!

I’ve just booked myself in for five craft fairs at the lovely Morningside Makers Market at the Columcille Centre in Edinburgh!

fair helper

(My ginger assistant will not be joining me, alas!)

The fairs are on:

  • 1 March, 2014
  • 3 May, 2014
  • 6 September, 2014
  • 1 November, 2014
  • 15 November, 2014

I’ll have work for sale and will be taking commissions for custom pieces!

You can see my Misericordia appearances on a calendar here.

Made in Scotland gift guide 2013

Well it’s getting a little busy around Misericordia Mansions.

Peace hand embroidery - Misericordia 2012

No sooner had I got over the thrill of seeing my guest blog post on the Fred Aldous website, than Made in Scotland magazine featured my Peace hoop in their Christmas 2013 gift guide!

Made in Scotland 2013

Don’t forget that the last posting date to guarantee Christmas delivery is today Friday, 20th December. If you’re in Edinburgh, why not come see me at the Morningside Makers Market (try saying that 10 times fast!) tomorrow Saturday, 21st December?


Morningside Makers Market – 21 December 2013

I’m going to be at the Morningside Makers Market craft fair this Saturday and I’m busy getting myself prepared!

cards 1

Just before my degree show (almost 10 years ago!) I ordered some business cards. The world of printing was not like it is today kids, and I had to send off a real print of my image and let someone else do the hard work of scanning it in and making sure everything fit.

cards 2

We also had to buy something like 1000 (it felt more like 10,000) cards at a time, and so I tried to make them fairly generic, having an inkling that my artistic productions may change before I managed to hand out all of my cards.

cards 3

Lo and behold I was right, so I’m busy updating my business cards with something a little more appealing than the address labels I’d been using before.

cards 4

A mere 873 left to do! Do come along this weekend and get your hands on a card (and maybe more)! If you can’t make it, don’t forget that the last UK post is Friday, 20th December (that’s this week).

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