Tag: craft fair

Holiday Happenings

I think I’m slowly starting to embrace the festive atmosphere.

After last weekend’s slightly manic dash from craft fair to teaching night out to craft fair, Dragon and I decided that it was time to break out the Muppet Christmas films (we’re holding off on Muppet’s Christmas Carol for another week) and try to relax properly.

We’re having a rare holiday at home, which I’m really looking forward to, Dragon is at the age where traditions really start to stick, so I’m hoping we can create some good ones. (The Star Wars ornaments bode well, I think.)

Of course, I have four commissions to get through before I can really consider myself on holiday, and I should probably unpack the craft fair boxes and bags that are lurking at every turn, but I have a cunning plan on that front…

I’d like to offer you 20% off anything on the website until 31st December, just to save me putting everything away! Use the code ‘holiday’ at checkout and you’re away.

I’m making a concerted effort this year to buy exclusively from local or handmade sources for my gifts, and it would be lovely if everyone could at least buy one more thing from a friendly face than they did last year.

I hope you’re all managing to stay toasty wherever you are, I’m slowly adding layers of legwarmers, cowls and shawls as the weather dictates!

Morningside Makers Market this Saturday, 6th September

Happy September everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are feeling full of the joy that only new notebooks and pens can provide.

This one is a present to myself for passing my Pilates Equipment exam, which has been the source of much anxiety around Misericordia Mansions since June.

In a very organised moment last year, I booked myself in for a whole year’s worth of craft fairs and next one is on Saturday. I will be at the Morningside Makers Market and I’d love to see you there!

If you’ve got your diary handy, all the dates for all the craft fairs are here.

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