Those of you who are avid readers may remember that I made Dragon a costume from one of his favourite books.

Dragon's Costume by Misericordia

He received a lovely illustration from Holly Swain, who drew the pictures.

But it has taken me rather a long time to get everything organised…until now. So here are the two, ready for their close-up!

sgt rockhard

I’m really very pleased that he’s got a whole wall full of original art, you can’t start moulding their taste too young.


From left to right are Dragon’s bris certificate (very limited edition!), my embroidery of his Hebrew name, two prints from Penelope and Pip, and our own Sergeant Rockhard. Then at the bottom, Lucinda, Amos, Bunny and Little Lamb.

That reminds me, I did some drawings of Little Lamb and Bunny that I keep meaning to do something with. What do you think?

bunny web   lamb web