Tag: turtle costume

Playing Away

I have a confession to make, I’ve been flirting with another media recently.

(No, I haven’t started vlogging.)

I keep finding myself craving paint, pencils, and brushes. This has only been amplified by a ‘thank you’ voucher for Greyfriars Art Shop which is gently smouldering a hole in my pocket.

I’ve been working on Little Lion’s baby book (and catching up with Dragon’s book) and I’m really enjoying it. Sometimes I can even release my grip enough to let Dragon* help.

As my maternity leave comes to a close, I’m pondering the next steps for Misericordia. Since I’m running a part-part (part?) time operation, the evolution of my work can feel very slow sometimes. My mind certainly works a lot faster than my fingers!

I definitely want to work a little more drawing into my embroidery, but what that looks like remains to be seen.

While I’m pondering, what are your favourite art supplies? This voucher needs spending!

*Check out the finished birthday turtle costume finished well over a week before his birthday!

New Season Projects

I am deep in the midst of an autumnal project-starting binge.

In addition to the next Ark Project piece, a commission and a first attempt at drafting a flattering trouser block suitable for wearing while teaching Pilates, it’s time to start Dragon’s Birthday Costume.

He has decided on a sea turtle, and I thought I’d try to be brave and make it up as I go along.

It was going very well until I realised that, for the second year in a row, I’d bought the wrong kind of zip.

Of course, as a result of all the half-started bits and pieces, the house is in a bit of a state.

But I have the perfect solution. We’ll just invite some friends over, concocting a menu is just like starting a project, except this one comes with a built in tidying up step!

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