Tools: Scissors

Here’s a test; if I show you my latest tool acquisition, what do you say?


If the answer is ‘Ooooh!’ or even ‘Squeee!’ than you may be a scissor junkie.

These are going to be my Extra Special, Hands-off-if-you-know-what’s-good-for-you, Don’t-even-think-about-it scissors. I think I’ve trained everyone in the house to beware of my fabric scissors, but just in case, I’ve made myself a little display/storage area for them well out of the reach of wee fingers. (Don’t worry, both Dragon and LYM have their own scissors, I’m not a despot!)

scissors on the wall

I’ve had my eye on these since I saw a photofilm by The Department of Small Works (Nick Hand spoke at the Folksy Summer School) of the cutlers at Ernest Wright & Son. Partly I loved it because it reminded me of the summer when I worked in a sporran factory (yes, I know) and partly it just made me want gorgeous scissors!

The only problem is that they’re so lovely, I’m almost loath to cut with them…

Categories: Tools and Techniques


  1. Yes, squeee! I am hooked on scissors too. Some of the ones that fascinate me most are buttonhole scissors. And don’t get me started on pinking shears. So, have you tried them out yet? Hope they met fabric with satisfyingly crisp snippage.

    • I’ve got my grannie’s pinking shears that need sharpening, but I never find a use for them except cutting paper to run my finger along the jags.

      The new ones are lovely, but I’m still saving them for special cutting jobs…

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